The Benefits of Attending Industry Events and Conferences
Posted-on September 2023 By Marine Resources
Imagine a conference hall buzzing with marine engineers discussing groundbreaking propulsion systems, seminars on sustainable design and panels of experts weighing in on such topics as the future of navigation systems.
This is just a glimpse of what awaits you at marine events and conferences, where industry leaders take centre stage to guide you through the latest trends and technologies.
But there is more to these industry events than perusing the latest eye-catching boat designs and tech.
With our 20 years operating in the marine industry, we’ll highlight the benefits of networking at events as well as some tips to help you glean the most from the day, along with a list of upcoming events to mark in your calendar.
Learning from Marine Industry Leaders
Attending events and conferences is an effective way to stay informed about the latest marine industry trends and learn from the best in the business. Industry shows tend to have jam-packed programmes with plenty of options that can get overwhelming on the day. Before you start booking your travel, we recommend downloading a copy of the event itinerary in advance and having a plan for who and what to see can help you make the most of the time you spend attending.
These occasions serve as showcases for the latest innovations in marine engineering, sustainable yacht design, navigation systems and more. Through workshops, seminars and panel discussions led by industry titans, you can gain access to a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise.
Expanding Your Professional Network
One of the most significant advantages of attending industry events and conferences in the marine sector is the unparalleled networking opportunities they offer.
These gatherings bring together professionals, enthusiasts and experts from various corners of the industry. You’ll have opportunities to put faces to names, share experiences and develop connections that extend beyond business cards.
In today's digital age, there's something valuable about shaking hands and engaging in face-to-face conversations. Making real-world connections is still one of the best ways to find marine sector career opportunities.
Don't underestimate the power of expanding your online presence and showcasing your personal brand during these events. Adding new connections to your LinkedIn network is a strategic move that can provide you with career-enhancing benefits after the event doors have closed.
One savvy strategy can be to check the registration or guest list before an event and identify people you’d like to connect with. This can ensure you make the most of your limited time at the event and focus on the introductions that are going to be most valuable for you.
Develop Your Soft Skills
More and more employers are looking for marine professionals who demonstrate a combination of soft as well as technical skills. While you may be an experienced Welder or Engineer, how would you rate your confidence in negotiation, problem-solving and communication?
Meeting new people at industry events and conferences can be an opportunity to demonstrate these soft skills amongst your peer group. And it’s not all about formalities. Taking the time to attend drinks events or parties where there’ll be a range of people in a more relaxed setting can be beneficial, especially if you are an introvert. Attending one of these events can already be stretching you outside of your comfort zone. Walking up to a new group of people and introducing yourself could be a fantastic growth challenge to set for yourself — you may even make a couple of new friends!
Find Your Tribe
Networking isn’t all about seeking out people who are going to help you find your next job. It can also be about finding a network of peers and creating a community that can last throughout your career.
In a male-dominated industry, conferences and events can be an opportunity for women to connect with a broader network of peers from across the country or region. This peer-to-peer support can help women stay in the industry longer, exchange ideas and thoughts about issues and challenges they face and establish a support base. Our salary survey in 2022 showed the number of females in the industry at 18.8%, an improvement from the 2019 figure of 15.9%.
If you’re ready for networking in the marine industry, you’re spoiled for choice with a broad range of events held throughout the year.
Browse through our top picks for marine events and conferences taking place in Europe over the next few months. Come find us at the Southampton International Boat Show this September, and at Metstrade in November!
Southhampton International Boat Show
15-24 September
Sea Tech Week
15-17 October
Brest, France
The Marine Energy Transition Forum
17-18 October
Antwerp, Belgium
Metstrade 35th Anniversary
15-17 November
Cruise Ship Interiors (CSI) Design Expo Europe
29-30 November
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