Marine resources
Due to the success and demand of releasing our first national salary survey for the marine industry back in 2019. We are reassessing the landscape through the Marine Resources Salary Survey 2022, to understand and benchmark the leisure marine industry post-pandemic.
Our focus in this year’s Salary Survey 2022 was to be more employee and employer comprehensible with the aim to deliver a list of the core roles of the leisure marine industry.
The objective of the survey was to re-assess the leisure marine industry, compare it against our 2019 Salary Survey, build a centralised resource for employees and employers to benchmark their current salaries to maintain a competitive advantage and examine the data presented to us with key findings.
Throughout the survey we’ve been focusing on data from three key divisions; Skilled Trades, Design, Engineering and Technical and Sales Marketing and Operations.
It’s our hope with this survey that we will be able to play a part in helping business owners and employees drive positive change, making the industry a fairer place comparative and competitive to other sectors.
We would like to take this opportunity to stress that this set of data presented is only a rough estimation due to the wide range of entries and roles. If you would like to discuss individual cases by role and remunerations please contact us.

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